What Are The Benefits Of Cordyceps Militaris?
The benefits of taking cordyceps include: increases energy and stamina, improves cardiovascular health, decreases cholesterol levels, improves the immune system, reduces symptoms associated with PMS including mood swings and depression, promotes healthy hair and nails, and helps to increase sexual arousal. This is an amazing list of benefits that are not found in any other natural supplement or food. Many people take cordyceps as a general health supplement because it also has been shown to lower the risk of developing lung and breast cancer. It has also been shown to help reduce menopausal symptoms, menstrual cramps and bloating. There are many different ways that cordyceps can be taken including capsules, tablets, powder or even in a drink. The best way to take cordyceps is with cordyceps militaris because it contains a higher concentration of cordyceps mycelium than other products on the market. This means that you will get more benefits from taking cordyceps with militaris. During its lifecycle, Cordyceps Militaris has been shown to increase aerobic performance in athletes by an average of 21 percent and also increases oxygen uptake by 7-12 percent. This makes Cordyceps one of the best natural supplements for increasing energy and improving overall health.
How Does Cordyceps Work?
Cordyceps Militaris is a 100% natural supplement that works by stimulating the production of adrenaline and endorphins in the body. These two hormones help to increase your energy levels, improve cardiovascular health and also decrease inflammation. This means that cordyceps can be taken as both an aerobic enhancer and also for improving muscle performance during workouts. The cordyceps contained in militaris also contain many vitamins and minerals that are important for the body to function properly. These include:
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Niacin, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and Zinc. The cordyceps mycelium contained in militaris is also very rich in essential fatty acids which are important for maintaining healthy skin and hair.